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What We Do

The Lions Club of Lago Vista was chartered August 11, 1980 with 23 members. Over the 40 years history of the club it has grown to over 80 members.

Throughout the club’s long history it has been a focal point in supporting Lago Vista’s organizations such as Blue Santa, Children’s Library Reading Program, Lago Vista Volunteers, Life-Long Friends Pet Adoptions and Hill Country Ministries. Keeping Lago Vista Beautiful is also a club function with monthly road clean-up along Lohman Ford and Boggy Ford roads. In conjunction with the Pt Venture Lions Club, we sponsor blood drives at the CVS Pharmacy in Lago Vista.

Major fundraisers such as our annual Golf Tournament, Chili Feast, Silent Auctions, and BBQ sales provide the funds to support these programs.

Lions as Knights of the Blind, the club will pay for eye examinations and lenses for qualifying individuals. For children this is accomplished through cooperation with the Lago Vista Independent School District. Who refer potential recipients to the club. For individuals who are out of school, a member of the Club should be contacted. Additional support is also given to Guide Dogs for the Blind and Leader Dogs The club also supports Texas Lions programs, Texas Lions Camp, and KidSight Vision Screening (KSVS).

The Lago Vista Leo Club is an organization to prepare young people for a lifetime of leadership, and with an opportunity for development and contribution – individually and collectively – as responsible members of Lago Vista, national and international communities. Our club is the proud sponsor of this club.

The club gives out thousands of dollars each year in High School Scholarships, and a $1,000 donation is also earmarked for the Texas School for the Blind.

Lago Vista Lions are citizens who care about their community. They are interested in its welfare, its health standards and its progress. They give selflessly of their time and money to assist fellow citizens who may be somewhat less fortunate. They do not seek personal reward, except in knowing that they have lived up to the Lions Moto “WE SERVE”. 



President: Lion Bill Bush

Phone: 585-259-0004


Membership: Lion Dick Weatherley

Phone: 432-553-4103

 Membership Information

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Lago Vista Lions Club
P.O. Box 4603
Lago Vista, TX 78645
Club # 38848

©2021 This site is the property of Lago Vista Lions Club - United States

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