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Club Projects

Golf Tournament

David Williams, Chair

The Texas Lions Camp

Dennis Kemp,

The primary purpose of the Camp is to provide, without charge, a camp for physically disabled, hearing/vision impaired, down syndrome and diabetic children from the State of Texas, regardless of  race, religion, or national origin. Our goal is to provide an atmosphere wherein campers will learn the “Can Do” philosophy...Lions can sponsor campers and volunteer at the Camp.

Community Road Clean Up

 Frank Robbins, Chair

Every other month Lago Vista Lions provide 8-16 Lions to remove road debris and litter for 3.5 miles of Lohmans Ford Road from FM1431 to Boggy Ford Road.

Road Warriors.jpg

Sara Bush, Chair


Anita's Loomers

Cheri Marion, Chair

Anita's Loomers fulfill the directive from International that Lions do something in the name of Pediatric Cancer. Our club makes knitted hats for youth and others who need  love during and after their treatment. 

Kidsight (KSVS)

Don Johndrow, Chair

KidSight is part of a nationwide initiative of the Lions Clubs to help parents, childcare providers, and educators find and correct children's vision problems.

Go to our KSVS page for more information.

LEO Club

Eyeglass Recycling

Don Johndrow Chair

Lago Vista Lions have two large collection boxes in Lago Vista, one at Lowe's Supermarket and other at City Hall parking lot.  In addition, we collect at a variety of businesses in Lago Vista, Jonestown, Leander, and Cedar Park.  We make periodic shipments to the Texas Eyeglass Recycling Center located in Midland Texas (a 501c3) organization sponsored by the Lions Of Texas) who focuses on collection, processing and distribution of used eyeglasses to those in need.  

See our Eyeglass Recycle page for maps and more information about collection locations.


BBQ Catering

Shad Pelizzarri, Chair
John Spoerlein, Pitmaster
Don Zschoche, Smokemaster

This trailer will be instrumental in raising money for the club by catering future events for charitable organizations, social groups, businesses, family gatherings, etc. in and around the Lago Vista area.

The trailer is 23' long tandem axel, 7' steel pit w/5 temperature gauges, stainless firebox w/oven, electrical outlets, light fixtures, utility sink, water heater, dual propane gas burners, 2 wood storage bins & 2 folding serving shelves.

Our experienced cooks are ready to provide your organization, group, family, or other activities with a delicious BBQ meal at a reasonable price.

LEOs Club



Leo clubs prepare young people for a lifetime of leadership, and with an opportunity for development and contribution - individually and collectively - as responsible members of their local, national and international communities.

Visit the Lago Vista LEO web site

Leo Award Forms

Sample Completed Forms

District 2-S3 District Governor's 100%

Leo Club of the Year Award Nomination Form

District 2-S3 Club Outstanding Leo Award

Leo Club Advisor of the Year Award

Sara Bush, Chair


President: Lion Bill Bush

Phone: 585-259-0004


Membership: Lion Dick Weatherley

Phone: 432-553-4103

 Membership Information

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Lago Vista Lions Club
P.O. Box 4603
Lago Vista, TX 78645
Club # 38848

©2021 This site is the property of Lago Vista Lions Club - United States

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