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Lago Vista LEOs

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Food Drive

District 2-S3 Convention Results
LEO President Olivia Smith will be the new District 2-S3 PR Director, Advisor Sara Bush will be the new District 2-S3 LEOs Advisor Co-Chair and Hailey Shirley will be the new District 2-S3 Tale Twister.

Chili Feast - Bake Sale 2023


On Saturday February 10th, the Lago Vista Leos had a bake sale in conjunction with the Lago Vista Lions club Chili Feast and Auction.  In spite of rain, there was a good turn out and the LEOs brought in $404.  Thank you all for your part. 

Ronald McDonald House

Four  of  our  LEOs,  Olivia  Smith,  Ruby  Rees,  Emily  Caperton,  and  Hyrum Benefield,  ventured  to  the  Ronald McDonald  House,  that  serves  Dell’s  Children's hospital  on  1315  Barbara  Jordan  Blvd.  Austin,  TX  78723.    They  gave  up their  Saturday  morning  to  build  “Bags  Of  Love”,  lunches  for  families  of child cancer patients.    They purchased and transported all the food to the Ronald McDonald house then  prepared  40  lunches  and  delivered them to families in four hospitals in the Austin area including Dell Children's Hospital.

Blue Santa Preparations

November 20, 2023, LEOS Ruby, Olivia, and Mackenzie helped out with the Blue Santa event.  They moved toys from a storage unit  to KOaks for wrapping and distribution.  Thank you LEOS for your time and energy!!

Pancake Breakfast

November  4th,  2023,  Lions  and  LEOs  club  Pancake  Breakfast  for  Lago  Vista/Joenstown communities.    Thank  you!    Emily,  Hyrum,  Kaius,  Ruby,  Mackenzie,  Olivia.    We  all  ate  well!

The Big Event 2023

Big Event, Oct. 22, 2023. The Lions’ and LEOS’ job was to paint the Ranger Sheds in the parks. Four teams were made of two lions and 2 to three Leos. All sheds were painted by 12:30 pm.


White Cane Day 2023


In honor of White Cane Day, LEOs, Mackenzie, Penelope, and Hyrum brought in $ 210. 68 for the Austin School for the Blind. White canes have been used by the blind since 1930 and the white tip was to signify blindness and to be more visible to others. The White Cane Day is a Nationally recognized day of safety. The designated day is October 15th. We thank our LEOs for their support of our community and appreciate the giving of their Time for others.


The LEOs held their first community event of this school year. There were eight LEOs who collected about 477.753 pounds of food for our local pantry, Old Farm Food Pantry. Generous neighbors gave food they purchased from Brookshire’s during their own grocery shopping. Several LEOs will also participate in the distribution of the food on Friday the 22nd of September at CVS.
Participating LEOs were: Kaius Northcutt, Ruby Rees, Fatih Yildirim, Omar Shahwan, Declan Stevenson, Hyrum Benefield, Olivia Smith, and advisor Lion Norma Owen. Thank you all for caring for our Lago Vista neighbors!

TX State Capitol Visit 2022

L-R Shane Saum, Lily Woodburn, Bella Dreibrodt, Sadie Stark, Ruby Rees, Emily Caperton, Declan Stevenson & Catherine Van Arnam, Director of Communication (Sara Bush on camera)

Lago Vista LEOs Visit The State Capitol and Meet With LV State Legislators


On April 11th, the Lago Vista LEOs visited the Texas State Capitol with our gracious host and fellow LV Lion Shane Saum.  In addition to being one of the advisors of the  LEOs, Shane serves on the City of Lago Vista’s Economic Development Advisory  Committee and is employed as Director of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs for  PrizePicks, a fantasy sports company.


We (advisors Sara Bush and Bill Bush along with the LEOs) met in the Rotunda of the Capitol, where Shane reviewed some interesting information about the Capitol’s construction, facilities, and artwork.   Our first stop was at the office of Lago Vista’s legislative representative, Ellen Troxclair in the new underground office building attached to the Capitol.  At the time, Representative  Troxclair was engaged on the floor in the final debate on HB 249 (School Security) and was not available.  Fortunately, her Chief of Communications, Catherine Van Arnam,  was on hand and was very generous with her time in giving the LEOs a tour of Rep.  Troxclair’s office and answering the LEO’s substantial questions about the work of the legislature, internships, and life as a representative with bi-annual legislative sessions.  (Texas is one of only 4 states that meet bi-annually.)

 From Rep. Troxclair's office, the group hiked up the stairs to and through the Senate gallery, where the Lieutenant Governor was presiding over legislative deliberations, and on to Senator Donna Campbell’s office.  Senator Campbell, an emergency room physician, has served as Senator of our district since 2012.  She was very personable and engaged the LEOs about their work as well as that of the LV Lions Club.  Since the  Senator had left the Senate floor during active deliberations her time with us was brief,  although while with us, she remained laser-focused on the LEOs.

 After leaving Senator Campbell, the group passed back through the Senate Chambers,  across the rotunda, and over to the House of Representatives on the opposite side of the Capital.  The LEOs sat for some time and watched proceedings in the House.  Shane provided commentary and insights to the group as HB 249 went to the final vote and passed.

 The LEOs were fortunate to have visited the Capitol when the legislature was in session. They were able to witness firsthand the debate and final vote of an important  Bill that affects their lives as students.  They met with their state Senator and had an extended discussion with the office staff of their Representative.  Our profound thanks go out to Senator Campbell, Representative Troxclair, and to Shane Saum for being our kind and informative host.

Senator Campbell (Center) joins the LEOs

Senator Cambell answers questions

Shane explains the progress of the Bill

Do you know a young person who would like to join (maybe it's YOU!)? Here is the Application
Please send it to Sara Bush:


President: Lion Bill Bush

Phone: 585-259-0004


Membership: Lion Dick Weatherley

Phone: 432-553-4103

 Membership Information

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Lago Vista Lions Club
P.O. Box 4603
Lago Vista, TX 78645
Club # 38848

©2021 This site is the property of Lago Vista Lions Club - United States

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