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Lion Dennis Kemp elected TLC Director - North 2024

The Mission:
To provide, without charge, a camp for children with physical disabilities, vision/hearing impairments and diabetes from the State of Texas


The Goal: 
To provide an atmosphere where campers learn the "can do" philosophy and achieve maximum personal growth and self-esteem.

Lago Vista Lions ready to serve

Derek Kemp had a great
time at TLC!

Derek with his parents,
Lions Dennis Kemp and Chelaine Marion


Don't forget the birds!

Click HERE to download a map of our wonder-full camp!

When Planning Your Legacy...
Please consider the Texas Lions Camp

To find out more, simply click on the boxes to the left

Let's face it, we Lions care for Kids--especially for Kids whose childhood may be more difficult than others. Because of that, we maintain the WONDER-FULL Texas Lions Camp and send those Kids for the experience of their lives at no charge to their families. But the WONDER does not come free. As Lions we have the opportunity to share our blessings in several ways to help the Kids, and in doing so, we can gain recognition for ourselves or for others.

Who Qualifies for TLC?
Children from Texas, ages 7 - 16 with Type 1 Diabetes, special physical needs, whether those needs are visible or not, and vision/hearing impairments.

How and when to apply:
Go to the website and apply online the first week of January each year or as soon as possible thereafter.

Contact Information:
Ask any Lion for more information, or call:
Dennis Kemp (Chairperson) at 915-471-1104 
We serve. We Make a Difference


President: Lion Bill Bush

Phone: 585-259-0004


Membership: Lion Dick Weatherley

Phone: 432-553-4103

 Membership Information

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Lago Vista Lions Club
P.O. Box 4603
Lago Vista, TX 78645
Club # 38848

©2021 This site is the property of Lago Vista Lions Club - United States

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